Crating Shipping Charges LTL Freight | Fixed Sash Unit Less than 36 Sq Ft
Price: $299.00
SKU: Fixed Sash Unit Less than 36 Sq Ft
Crating Shipping Charges LTL Freight | Fixed Sash Unit Less Than 36 Sq Ft - Additional Crating and Shipping Charges Must Be Allowed with Sash Order. For Crating and Added Shipping Charges on LTL Freight for Fixed Sash Units of greather than 21 Sq Ft and Less Tan 36 Sq Ft.
These crating and charges apply in addition to any normal site shipping charges applied to your order. Sashes with "insulated glass" require specialized "crating" and also ship under different freight classifications and regulations. All of which factor into the cost of transportation to ship on LTL Freight Trucks to the closest Freight Terminal nearest your zip code destination for a local pick-up or "WILL CALL" at the designated freight terminal near you. PLEASE NOTE: LTL Freight prices are constantly changing related to our current economic climate, gas prices, regional unions and trucking industry changes occurring almost weekly.
PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND: FREIGHT DELIVERIES BY LTL FREIGHT LINES only include what is referred to as shipments to the nearest freight terminal nearest your zip code location and is set up as a will call / pick up at the freight terminal. If you want curbside delivery this is regulated and priced differently ($75.00 to $175.00) depending on region and local freight carrier regulations. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECT ALL GOODS SHIPPED - DO NOT ACCEPT DAMAGED GOODS without clear and accountable authorization. This does not mean a driver, dispatcher or dock person saying: it's okay and all you will need do is file a claim for concealed damages. IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!