Wood Casement Window Sill Stop and Operator Handle Package

Price: $228.88
SKU: Wood Sill Package


BiltBest Old Style Casement Operator Model P-234 DC P-233 DC - Replacement Casement "Sill Stop Kit"  Package | Includes One (1) Universal Sill Stop - SEE LOWER PICTURE;  (1) Casement Operator Unit, Right or Left Handing, One (1) Handle and One Cover. 




The Sill Stop Parts Kit  ( as shown in photo ) - Complete Sill Operator Kit with new casement operator and sill stop.  For Older model Biltbest and several others. Operators marked P234DC / P233DC, P-234 DC and P-233 DC. Old wood casement windows from 1960's 1970's 1980's - hinges, shoe glides, operator handles, operator shoe glides and other parts elsewhere on this site. Specify left handed or right handed at checkout and complete


